Intake of Viagra for smokers: safe or not

Intake of Viagra for Smokers: Safe or Not?

Intake of Viagra for Smokers: Safe or Not?

Smoking has always been a harmful lifestyle habit, while nicotine dependence remains a destroying factor for overall health. It affects various human organs and results in serious diseases. As human trials show, an excessive nicotine consumption leads to the most unpleasant male disorder – sexual dysfunction.

Is this blue smoke worth your reduced sexual potency, inability to achieve a strong erection and further impotence?

No! Even moderate smokers are destined to follow the same miserable way, but a couple of years after.

Find enough courage to stop smoking while the destructive processes are still reversible.

Intake of Viagra for smokers: safe or not

How Does Smoking Affect Male Potency

First of all, smoking leads to endothelial disorder. The endothelium is a tissue formed by a single layer of cells lining various body organs, cavities and blood vessels, as well. It is a significant player in the process of the erection, because it receives nerve signals and dilates blood vessels. The expanded vessels pump more oxygenated blood to the penile zone and amplify an erection. The chemicals present in tobacco inhibit the endothelium by blocking the arterial blood vessels and preventing their optimal functioning.


As a result, nicotine consumption makes it more difficult to achieve and hold a stable erection. It reduces the testosterone level and weakens sensitivity during sexual intercourse.

Smoking affects three main factors in a male body:

  • decreases an endothelial function;
  • reduces the production of nitric oxide;
  • results in an oxidative stress associated with an imbalance of antioxidative and oxidative body reactions.

60% of individuals who smoke one pack a day for more than two years suffer from constant or temporary erectile dysfunction (or ED) problems, which includes having premature ejaculation, decreased stamina, or weak erections. Young people are more vulnerable to this harmful habit and subject to obtain ED two times more likely than their non-smoking peers. Maybe such disappointing statistics will make men pay more attention to this concern and put an end to the habit.

Male power is gradually decreasing and finally can be crowned by a complete impotence. Stable nicotine impact makes people become dependent on a regular ED pill therapy.

The action mechanism of Viagra’s main component, sildenafil, is based on dilating blood vessels and eliminating the harmful tobacco consequences. This world-known bestseller helps to overcome ED problems and boosts male potency. Viagra and its alternatives become a single helping hand for smokers with ED. Still, simultaneous usage of ED pills and cigarettes turns out to be a more fatal combination that doesn’t ensure the desired results. In this case, necessary precautions should be taken.

Smoking and Taking Viagra: Is It Safe?

Erectile dysfunctionIn spite of terrifying scientific data that almost half a million Americans die from smoking each year, many of them still get addicted to this habit. Imagine that 10% of these deaths happen because of an exposure to cigarette smoke. In other words, smokers endanger their relatives and close friends, as well, making these people collateral victims.

With ED symptoms, males turn to medications hoping to restore their potency with a pill therapy. Heartless statistics reports that Viagra works only in 65% of cases for smokers and may bring no desired effects. If smoking is not ceased during an ED treatment, a parallel pill intake may result in adverse effects like dizziness, headaches, stomach discomfort, nausea, or even more severe reactions.

Could I Smoke Simultaneous with Viagra Intake?

As smoking causes sexual dysfunction, it makes sense to drop the habit if men want to restore their potency. Taking blue pills along with nicotine usage will provide no effective results for smokers, moreover it may lead to side effects. These men may think that Viagra doesn’t work for them or it is a fake.

To avoid serious adverse effects, talk to your healthcare professional. The medical consultation helps men to work out an individual treatment plan and an adequate Viagra dosage intake. Secondly, your doctor will advise how to cease a smoking habit. He may recommend nicotine patches or other alternative methods, which help to lower cigarette consumption gradually. If you expect some positive results from ED meds, quitting smoking is the first step.

If You Decided to Quit Smoking and Started ED Cure

Strong erectionThe great majority of research proves a connection between smoking and sexual disorders, as well as how quitting smoking helps to renew an impaired erection mechanism. Remember, these problems may be also caused by “passive” smoking during secondhand cigarette smoke inhalation.

Three-quarters of men who participated in human trials evidence the improvement of erectile functions after smoking cessation. Men had harder and firmer erections compared with those participants who failed to cease smoking. Impotence symptoms disappeared in individuals who succeeded in kicking the habit. This important decision rescues men from not only lung cancer and heart diseases, but also grants the ability to use and enjoy their male power to the fullest.

If men are prescribed an ED treatment, BuyEDTab will help with a vast majority of effective generic medications like Cialis, Staxyn, Kamagra, Viagra, etc. Their power is targeted at both erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation and approved by positive customers’ reviews.