What is herbal Viagra

What Is Herbal Viagra?

What Is Herbal Viagra?

Are there any natural drugs that can return former sexual drive, not worse than Viagra? How effective and safe are they? Is it worth it to trust ancient recipes and in what cases is this possible? What type of natural Viagra has the highest efficacy? You will find info about this in the article below.

However, modern pharmacology has found an alternative to plant and shamanic medicines, having developed highly effective PDE5 inhibitors. These are Viagra, Cialis, and their numerous generics. However, the idea that there is a more effective natural remedy for impotence still stirs the minds of people.

From time to time, an advertisement for herbal Viagra appears. The composition of it is different, but the essence is the same – a medicine with exceptional natural ingredients that improve erections, and works no worse than the original or generic Viagra. A lot of people try to find exactly such a medicine. Viagra is a very effective remedy, but it still has some contraindications and side effects, and due to this a lot of people want to find a natural version of this drug. They think that herbal Viagra has the same effectiveness, but has no side effects. Does natural Viagra really work? Let’s try to figure this out.

Definition of Natural Viagra

Natural Viagra can have a different composition – it can be well-known and time-proven aphrodisiacs, vitamin complexes, as well as new or untested means that regularly appear on the market. Proven recipes of Chinese medicine are often used for the production of such drugs. For example, horny goat weed has proven itself as a natural remedy for improving potency. A good herbal Viagra equivalent can be either pepper, ginger, or other plants that can affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

What is herbal Viagra

Natural Viagra can contain one component or combination of them – it all depends on the manufacturer. As a rule, it is produced in the form of capsules, which do not have any taste, regardless of their composition. Quite often, some herbal teas are also called Viagra alternatives.

Unlike medical means, herbal remedies are not as universal and can be used only in the absence of contraindications. For this reason, you should not 100% rely on these remedies or expect much from them. Still, all these products are available over-the-counter, so you can try several and choose those Viagra alternatives that work.

Operating Principles of Natural Viagra

The principle of Viagra’s action is understandable – it is a drug that blocks PDE5 enzymes and increases blood circulation, thereby making the erection strong and stable. As for herbal variants, how do they work? Herbal-based pills and drinks can have different effects, all depending on what components the drug is made up of.

GingerTypically, the options of action are such:

  • blood circulation improvement. Usually, it is the heating components (for example, ginger), and they are effective if the man has erectile problems associated with poor blood circulation;
  • saturation with vitamins. For quality sperm, a man needs a number of vitamins and trace elements. If they are not enough, then there will be problems with the erection – the body simply does not want to spend energy on sex if the chances of conception are extremely low. Vitamins and elements contained in pills or drinks saturate the body with the needed substances, raising sexual drive;
  • tone you up. Some plants are able to increase the overall tone of the body, which favorably affects the blood circulation in the genital area.

Despite the beneficial effects, herbal medicines are not able to block PDE5 enzymes, so with diagnosed erectile dysfunction, they rarely help. Their action will be effective only when it comes to infrequent problems with potency. For example, they were caused by a slight deterioration in the circulation of blood, general weakness, or a lack of vitamins.

Therapy for ED in Men

The development of erectile dysfunction (ED) can be considered when there are problems with an erection often during sex – it is insufficient from the beginning or worsens during the process of sex. A man with ED cannot fully engage in sexual intercourse. There are many reasons for this phenomenon and, due to that, in the US over 600,000 men encounter ED per year. Most of them are elderly people who have various chronic diseases.

To cure ED it is necessary to know the cause of its arising. For example, if a person has a hormonal imbalance, vascular disease, or some other illness, then after curing it, the libido can become strengthened and the erection is again sufficient to perform full sexual intercourse. If ED is caused by psychological reasons, then a man needs to visit a psychologist or sexologist. In many cases, the specialist helps to deal with ED problems, and the potency is restored.

DiabetesIn some cases, unfortunately, ED cannot be completely cured. These include:

  • diabetes;
  • serious heart disease;
  • hypertension;
  • traumas of the genitourinary system and spinal cord;
  • Peyronie’s disease;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • kidney disease;
  • multiple sclerosis.

In these cases, there is only a small chance of any improvement, so you need to use special drugs to improve your erection. They work only when a man experiences sexual attraction, but an erection does not occur.

If you do not have serious impotence but have periodic failures in sex, then you need to think: “Is my life healthy enough?” Some lifestyle changes can significantly improve male power. Among such changes, the most efficient will be:

  • get rid of obesity;
  • refuse abuse alcohol and narcotics;
  • decrease the number of cigarettes per day;
  • do physical exercises regularly.

It is also very important to eat good food: fruits and vegetables, foods rich in vitamins, and no junk food. Sufficient sleep at night is also necessary for men’s health. Studies have shown that lack of sleep significantly reduces the level of testosterone, and that negatively affects libido and potency.

Species of Herbal Medicines

Herbal drugsAs already mentioned above, natural medicines can contain various components and have different effects, and all of them are able to positively influence a man’s health when properly used. Which one is the best for you?

This can be determined only by experience, since the effect of herbal drugs is more difficult to predict, in contrast to the effects of synthetic medications. At the market of dietary supplements, you can find a wide range of natural drugs designed to treat ED. Try to buy medicines in trusted pharmacies to avoid fakes, and herbal medicines will become your mighty assistants in the fight against impotence. They act less intensively than Viagra and its analogs, but give longer and more stable results.

Watermelon and Lemon

Help in the treatment of impotence can be obtained from cheap and common food products. For example, it was recently discovered that watermelon contains a lot of citrulline – an amino acid that helps to relax the blood vessels. With a sufficient amount of citrulline in the body, the state of the cardiovascular system is greatly improved. In most cases, the cause of ED is a vascular disease, so the regular consumption of watermelon can increase a man’s potency. In addition, this berry is a great way to cleanse the kidneys and liver, saturate the body with moisture, and get rid of toxins. For those who want to lose excess weight, watermelon can be a delicious dessert replacer.

The common lemon can also become a good assistant in the fight against ED. It contains essential oils that work like aphrodisiacs. This fruit enhances the production of testosterone, which is necessary for the normal operation of the male reproductive system. A large amount of vitamin C improves the condition of the entire body, increases immunity, and also leads to increased libido. Lemon juice also has a lot of beneficial properties, especially if drunk with water in the morning on an empty stomach.

What Is Maca?

Peruvian macaPeruvian maca is a powerful plant aphrodisiac from South America. There is evidence that this plant was used by the ancient Incas. They used plant roots as food, and ate them in large quantities before fights and ritual actions. A large number of active substances in the plant greatly excites the nervous system.

Now, this plant is used as a remedy for improving potency. It enhances the libido, makes the sensations during sex more vivid, improves the quality of sperm, helps to reduce the time between sexual acts, and removes inflammation. It is believed that the regular use of it is a good prevention measure against prostate cancer.

Maca can be used as an antidepressant, as it reduces stress, tones up the body, relieves fatigue, improves mood, and strengthens immunity. This Peruvian plant is useful for physical work, as it increases stamina and strength. With mental work, its uses also will not be superfluous, since maca improves memory and concentration.

The first significant results will appear eight weeks after the start of maca intake.

Horny Goat Weed (Yin Yang Huo)

Horny Goat Weed. This plant has been used in Chinese medicine to improve potency for hundreds of years. The legend says that the first properties of the plant were discovered by Chinese shepherds. They noticed that the cattle that ate the given weed showed high sexual activity. Studies have shown that Horny Goat Weed contains substances with the same action as PDE5 inhibitors. Because of this property, the weed was called herbal sildenafil, since its effect is similar to that of Viagra. A lot of studies have shown that this remedy really has a positive effect on the male reproductive system, but with some contraindications. Therefore, before taking it, it is advisable to consult with a doctor, especially if you have any health problems.

Ginseng for Erectile Dysfunction

Ginseng rootGinseng root is successfully able to be used for a long time. It improves blood circulation, strongly tones up the body, and excites the nervous system.

It has been used for the treatment of ED for many centuries, and quite successfully. The form in which you will take ginseng is not so important, as whether in the form of tablets, tincture, or drink, the result is the same.

In addition, ginseng positively affects the mood of a person, making him more vigorous and energetic. So, if ED develops on the background of apathy or depression, ginseng can help in this case. Do not forget to follow the correct dosage, in order to avoid health problems.

Cure ED with Arginine

Arginine is an amino acid that is often used as a sports supplement. It favorably affects the blood vessels and improves blood circulation, and is therefore able to fight impotence which arose as a result of impaired blood circulation. This substance has many useful effects. Arginine not only normalizes pressure and improves the nutrition of tissues, but it also strengthens the immune and nervous system, fighting infections. There is evidence that the use of arginine is a good preventive measure against Alzheimer’s disease and that it makes the nervous system more stable. It is very useful for people with reduced immunity, who often become a target for various bacteria and viruses.

There is an evidence that arginine not only improves potency, but also significantly increases male fertility. The amino acid is especially relevant for those men who have a poor semen analysis and want to improve this situation.

Does Yohimbine Help to Cope with Impotence?

YohimbineYohimbine is an alkaloid of herbal origin, which has a stimulating effect. It is extracted from the bark of the Yohimbe plant, which grows in Africa. The substance has a stimulating effect, and it is a powerful aphrodisiac. It is able to inhibit MAO, so it can be used to treat depression. Yohimbine excites the nervous system, making it able to intensify sexual arousal and positively affect the erection. It significantly invigorates and excites, so the best time to take it is during the daytime. Used at night, the drug can disturb sleep and cause a sense of anxiety due to over-excitement of the nervous system.

People who want to improve potency and do sports can kill two birds with one stone – yohimbine is not only a powerful aphrodisiac, but also a good fat burner. It helps in a short time to get rid of excess weight and to make the body beautiful. Also, yohimbine increases stamina and the ability to concentrate, which makes it an irreplaceable helper to all sportsmen.

Despite the fact that official medicine has not counted Yohimbine as an effective remedy for ED yet, for many centuries this substance has been successfully used to boost sexual vigor.

What Vitamins Can Support Men’s Health?

Vitamins. The lack of them adversely affects human health in general, and intimate health in particular. Usually, the lack of vitamins D and C, as well as zinc and selenium, is detrimental to the male reproductive system. The additional intake of vitamins not only improves the state of health and appearance, but also improves the work of the genitals. With a shortage of vitamins, erection problems become regular. This happens because constant fatigue, apathy, or poor health decreases the libido significantly, and the weakened body does not want to spend energy on sex. In addition, a lack of vitamins can lead to frequent catarrhal diseases, disruption of the internal organs, and decrease in immunity.

The intake of vitamins is especially important for people with malnutrition, athletes, and those engaged in heavy physical labor. Doctors recommend taking vitamin complexes from time to time, as it is difficult to choose a diet that would cover the all human needs for nutrients.

Can Side Effects Occur?

Side effects of medicineSide effects are the reason why many people refuse Viagra and similar synthetic drugs. Are there any side effects of natural drugs? Yes, but they are much less potent. Natural components do not work as efficiently and quickly as medications, so side effects rarely appear. As a rule, all herbs are well-tolerated, if there is no individual intolerance and contraindications. When the correct dosage is found, the likelihood of adverse phenomenon is extremely low. Before you buy this or that remedy, be sure to find out more information about it, in order to avoid purchasing a medicine that is contraindicated to you.

Despite the fact that natural Viagra is quite safe, it is impossible to take it uncontrollably or for a very long time. The fact is that many plant components have a cumulative effect, so even if the medicine is well-tolerated at the beginning of the intake, after a few weeks or months it can begin to cause side effects. Therefore, you should carefully monitor your health condition and avoid exceeding the duration of the treatment course.

Cautions of Herbal Viagra Usage

When should you take herbal Viagra? Natural remedies have a mild and less intense effect. The majority of them affect not only the sexual sphere, but the whole body. They improve a man’s health, making problems with potency go away. Naturally, we are talking about those forms of impotence which are associated with easy physiological or psychological causes.

If ED is caused by strong changes, then natural medicines will improve your well-being, but the male power will not be revived.

In addition, the self-medication and uncontrolled use of any means, including natural drugs, are able to worsen health and cause diseases. Therefore, before you buy any product, be sure to consult first with your doctor. The forces of nature are capable of curing even very serious diseases, but they need to be used moderately.

Natural medicines will show the highest efficacy for men who are able to give up bad habits and lead a healthy, active lifestyle.

Is It Worth to Order Natural Viagra?

Online storeDespite the fact that the natural components are quite effective, they do not have an instantaneous effect. Do not expect, after drinking a pill or tea, an instant result. It will come only after some time (weeks or months), when the body will react to the delicate effect of natural components. Still, what should you do at a time when you are waiting for the result? What should you do if there is no effect or if you have an allergic reaction? This is not a reason to forget about full-fledged sexual joy. In this case, you can use not natural, but more effective, safe, and quick-acting syntactic generic drugs with a cheap price, including drugs such as Viagra, Kamagra, Cialis, Stendra, etc. They all are well-tolerated and rarely cause side effects.

Where to buy cheap drugs to improve your erection? You can do it at the BuyEDTab online store. To get the medicine, you just need to choose the option you want and make an order – it will be quickly delivered to any city of the USA. In our pharmacy, there are also high-quality generic drugs for the treatment of premature ejaculation for sale: Priligy 60mg, Sustinex, Kutub, etc.

When taking care of your health and busy life, do not forget about the forces of nature and centuries-old folk recipes, but do not rely solely on them, since modern pharmacology will help you to quickly solve even the most serious problems.