Cialis dosage

Cialis Dosage

Cialis Dosage

Cialis is a drug that, thanks to its low price and long duration of action, has gained a quite wide popularity. But before you buy Cialis, it is worth to get acquainted with its dosages and way of acting. In this case, you can find the best option for yourself.

Cialis is a drug that not only improves the erection, but also allows man to maintain the natural frequency of sexual activity.

This medicine is effective in all cases of erectile dysfunction, caused by circulatory disorders. Cialis is simple and convenient in use, has a fairly long-term effect with almost no side effects. The effect of the drug is mild and harmonious, since it does not cause excitation, but strengthens it. This means that it will work exactly when a man needs it. Below is some useful information about this ED treatment medicine.

Cialis Tadalafil Uses

The use of Cialis causes relaxation of the smooth muscles in cavernous bodies of penis and improving blood circulation in it. When the excitation happens, the blood freely and quickly fills the cavernous body and in result man have a stable strong erection. Cialis also blocks the PDE5 enzyme, which causes the stop of erection. Thus, men with short-term and unstable erection due to the drug can have a full-fledged sex. Also this medicine allows to:

  • maintain an erection during sex;
  • enjoy the sexual intercourse and bring pleasure to a partner;
  • get positive emotions and has no doubt in own abilities;
  • prolong the sexual intercourse as much as necessary.

Cialis dosage

What Cialis Dosages Are Available

Most men who use Cialis take the 20 mg tablets. This is the standard dosage, which is suitable in 80% of all erectile dysfunction cases. The 20 mg Cialis dosage is the acceptable maximum for per day use. This dosage helps even in the severe cases of ED. If desired, the dosage can be reduced. The tablets are also available in dosage of 2.5, 5, 10 mg. It is also important to remember that Cialis is active for 36 hours, so taking it very often is not recommended. In some severe cases, the everyday use is possible, but not for a long period.

Before buying the drug with the maximum dosage you need to consult with a doctor, especially if you have problems with heart or blood vessels. Until age 18, this medicine should not be taken.

Who Should Take Cialis 5 mg Daily?

Cialis 5 mgThe effect depends directly from the dose. The young men (19-45 years old) who have minor and rare problems with erection should not take a tablet of 20 mg. It will be enough to take a small dosage – 5 mg.

The minimum dosage is also indicated for men with kidney failure. With this disease, the effect of Cialis becomes faster and stronger, so the dosage should to be minimal. In some cases, the tablet should be divided on a half.

Cialis 10 mg Effects

The Cialis 10 mg it is an average dose and its action doesn’t differ from the action of drug in another dosage. The difference is only in the power of effect. The 10 mg is the best choice for young men who have experience erectile problems rarely and wish “to be reinsured”. Also this dosage is well suitable for men who taking Cialis regularly.

Can I Take Cialis 20 mg Pills

The 20 mg is the most typical dosage which is suitable for almost all men. It is desirable to start taking this drug exactly with this dosage, if there are no contraindications and related diseases. Before use, the consultation with doctor and following his instructions are necessary if:

  • during the last three months, a man has a myocardial infarction;
  • hypotension or poorly controlled hypertension;
  • during the last 6 months there was a stroke;
  • cardiac failure;
  • severe heart rhythm disturbances;
  • propensity to priapism;
  • cardiac angina.

Who Needs to Take Cialis 80 mg Tabs?

Cialis tabsThe maximum dosage of the active ingredient Tadalafil is 20 mg per day, exceeding this dose may be dangerous to health.

In rare cases of very severe erectile dysfunction, Black Cialis 80 mg can be used. It is an extremely potent drug, its action lasts more than 40 hours and it should be used wisely. You cannot eat fatty foods and drink alcohol, and it isn’t recommended to sit behind the wheel of the car after taking the Cialis 80 mg.

Do Cialis Dosages Depend on Weight and Age

The choice of dosage depends on the severity of erectile dysfunction and the general state of human health. Age and weight of a man does not matter. The drug can be taken at the beginning in minimum dosage, but only if the state of health is satisfactory. In the presence of chronic diseases, especially heart disease and kidney failure, it is important to agree the treatment choice and its dosage with a doctor.

Men from 65 years old with a normal state of health usually take the 20 mg tablets. The smaller dosages may be less effective, since slow metabolism can reduce the effect of drug.

Why Cialis Doses Different from Viagra’s One?

Cialis and Viagra have different active components. For Viagra it is sildenafil, and for Cialis it is tadalafil. That is why the dosage is different, and Viagra has a larger amount of active component. The difference between these drugs is also in their action. The Viagra is stronger, but lasts about 4 hours. The Cialis is effective up to a day and a half, but this drug is more mildly. For men with a severe form of erectile dysfunction is better to use Viagra in a big dosage (standard 100 mg or maximum 200 mg).

How Often Can I Take Cialis Tablets?

Stress for heartThe Cialis can be taken per day, but to do this every day, is not recommended in order to avoid excessive stress for heart. Since the drug works 36 hours, to take it every day is not necessary.

When to Take Cialis for the Best Results?

You can take Cialis at any time, but it is important to remember that when this medicine is combined with fatty food, the absorption will be slower (up to 1.5 hours).

What if My Current Dosage Doesn’t Work?

If a man began to take the drug with a minimum dosage, then it can be increased to 20 mg. If even in this case there is no effect, the Cialis intake should be stopped. This treatment does not make sense if ED caused not by vascular disorders, but by other causes. If Cialis does not help, you need to see a doctor.

Can Women Use Male Cialis?

There is no info about that the Male Cialis can be used by women. It is intended only for men, so on women body it will cause no effect. For women, there is a specifical Female Cialis, but before purchase it, you should consult with your doctor.

How to Buy Cheap Cialis Online?

Online storeAll drugs which treat an erectile dysfunction usually have the fairly high price. Cialis favorably differs from them in this, and its price is available to most men. It can be even more advantageously purchased on our BuyEDTab website in any dosage. The cost of drug can be reduced in 35%, if to pay for it in Bitcoins.

Our company will deliver your order in any city of USA in one week term. If the order cost bigger than $150 the delivery will be free. Also at BuyEDTab online store there are also other drugs which can help with ED, such as Viagra, Kamagra, etc.