Does female Viagra work

Does Female Viagra Work?

Does Female Viagra Work?

Female Viagra takes this imbalance and balances it so that the woman “wants to” have sex, they want to become aroused.

When a man suffers from any of the conditions that impede sexual arousal or desire, their counterparts know; they can feel that something is not right. But what happens when a woman lacks the desire she once felt for sexual relations?

Men have been able to rely on drugs like Viagra for years but women have been on the sidelines suffering in silence. This suffering is about to come to an end.

The all new “pink pill” also known as the female Viagra is now on the market, allowing women around the world to enjoy sex as they should.

The elements that cause a lack of sexual desire for women are different from men and can include:

  • stress;
  • low-self esteem;
  • fatigue;
  • psychological disorders;
  • hormone changes due to events like hysterectomy or menopause.

What Are the Effects of Viagra on Women?

Studies have shown that when women lack sexual desire, they also become extremely stressed about the situation – not knowing what to do about it just amplifies this stress. The female Viagra takes the stress out of it; giving back the sexual desire while taking away the main cause of the stress.
Does female Viagra work
Female version Viagra works differently than Viagra for men as Sildenafil (Viagra for men) increases blood flow to the genital area while Flibanserin (Viagra for women) acts more like a natural antidepressant that deals with the root cause of a woman’s lack of sexual desire. Woman have a different set of hormones than men do meaning gaining that sexual desire is different for both, although the end result is the same. Men must get an erection while a woman’s arousal has more to do with her mental state. When a woman goes through anything that causes stress or changes her hormones, her sexual desire will change. Generic Female Viagra sets out to stabilize the chemical imbalance that is known to be the root cause of the mental part of her lack of desire.

What Happens If a Woman Takes Viagra?

Woman takes male ViagraSo the short answer for what happens if a woman takes Viagra is that it depends on which one she chooses. If a woman takes the FDA approved female Viagra, she can again enjoy sex with very few side effects. On the other hand, if she takes Viagra pills, which is designed for men, she could experience much more severe side effects.

There currently have been no long-term studies to determine what the long-term effects are for a woman who regularly takes men’s Viagra so there are no known long-term issues. In short, the questions of can women take regular, men’s Viagra and what does it do to a woman, have yet to be answered.

It is a belief, although unproven, that since men’s Viagra increases blood flow to the genitals it should also do the same for women – thickening the lining of the uterus. If this is the case, then Viagra for men could greatly improve the condition of women suffering from extreme pain when they menstruate although this theory has not yet been proven.

How Viagra for Women Works

A lot of people ask: “How Viagra for women works?” – is there a secret? But all is clear – Viagra for women, or Flibanserin, attacks the hormones in the brain that interact with the chemistry that creates a lack of desire. Once these hormones are more balanced, the woman is capable of becoming aroused and more importantly, wanting to become aroused.

Most women who suffer from lack of arousal do not suffer during the act, in fact, during foreplay and sex, they often enjoy it but only to an extent. Orgasms are not as good and just the “wanting to” part is not there anymore. Female Indian Viagra takes this imbalance and balances it so that the woman “wants to” have sex, and want to become aroused.

Can Female Viagra Treat Infertility?

Female Viagra pillReal Female Viagra does not treat infertility but it does make the woman want to have sex, so the more she wants to have sex the more likely she is to become pregnant. On the other hand, another untested theory is that when Viagra tablets for men is taken by a woman, the drug that stimulates blood flow to genitalia will also thicken the uterine wall, decreasing menstrual pain and increasing the likelihood of becoming pregnant.

Again, do not try this without the expressed consent from your doctor as this has not been proven or studied.

Can Viagra Reduce Menstrual Cramps?

Aside from childbirth, one of the most painful things a woman goes through is that monthly cramping. The theory behind the cramping is that the uterine wall is too thin which creates pain when it sheds. If the wall is thickened, the cramping will cease. While female Viagra does not cure the cramps or the lining of the uterine wall, it will help with depression and anxiety which will reduce the intensity of the cramps. Men’s Viagra is thought to help cramps because it is supposed to help thicken the pesky uterine wall that creates so many problems for many women. The problem is that this pill offers very little information on the drug and its effect on cramps, so it is very important that women only attempt this after their doctor has advised them to do so as it is not an FDA-approved drug for cramps.

FDA Approval

Viagra for womenFood and Drug Administration (FDA) permitted the sale of Flebanserin which increases woman’s sexual desire. The approved by FDA drug, which was unofficially called “Viagra for Women”, is intended to treat a decreased sexual desire in women in the pre-menopausal period. The drug acts on certain neurotransmitters in the human brain. The method of influence distinguishes this “pink pill” from the men’s Viagra. In 2014, the FDA twice refused to confirm the medication. In 2015, through the use of modern technologies, the decision was made. The drug did retail in October 2015. The FDA warns that the implementation of Viagra possible only by prescription. This means, that you can order Female Viagra over the counter only at online pharmacies like ViagraBestBuy.

Side Effects of Female Viagra

Female Viagra, or what is commonly known as the little “pink pill”, does come with warnings for potential side effects and interactions. The following table shows the potential side effects of the drug as well as what you should do if symptoms become serious.

Symptom Serious? What to Do
Upset Stomach with or w/out vomiting Serious Contact your doctor right away
Dizziness Non-serious Lay down, if the problem persists or gets worse, contact your physician
Tiredness/ unable to stay awake Serious Seek medical attention immediately

In addition to the possible side effects, it is important that patients know what they can have while taking this medicine and what you cannot. For instance, heart medications could have a potentially deadly interaction so it is important that the patient talks to their doctor before taking this drug if they have had cardiac issues that are currently being treated. Alcohol cannot be consumed at all while taking this medicine as it can also have a deadly reaction. The big question when looking at these side effects and interactions is “Is it safe?”

This drug is safe as long as dosage and interactions are followed correctly.

What People Are Saying

Сouple having sexReaction to the approval of flibanserin was mixed. Some believe the use of Viagra crimes against women. Opponents believe that the drug is ineffective and approval of drugs with a large number of contraindications suggests incompetence of the FDA. Decrease in female libido called the invention of pharmaceutical companies and another attempt to make money. Another argument against the “pink pill” – daily use. The woman will have to mechanically suppress her body to get the dubious pleasure. Proponents of Viagra argue that the tool will be revolutionary in the fight against the female hormonal dysfunction.

There are many testimonials that reviews experiences people are taking this drug, both men and women. While women say how great it is to want to be intimate again, the men are happy their partner wants to be physical with them again. Men and women alike are sharing their experiences of not only their sexual dysfunctions but how they are dealing with them and how treating them with drugs like female Viagra helps them achieve the best sex they have had in years. This medicine has been proven over and over to be effective in treating various sexual dysfunction conditions in women, creating a better sex life for both sexes. Do not forget to read Viagra reviews and order bestseller at our online shop – free Viagra sample pack used to treat as male as female ED.