What is Priligy: work, using, effectiveness

What Is Priligy: Work, Using, Effectiveness

What Is Priligy: Work, Using, Effectiveness

Premature ejaculation (further PE) is considered to be the leading male sexual dysfunction worldwide. If a man ejaculates after getting insignificant sexual excitement, he is probably diagnosed with PE. It can affect any age group and becomes a very depressing topic for many men.

As a quick-metabolized and fast-acting medicine, Priligy has gained much fame by those who have already used it. Its main component, dapoxetine, is a very efficient and powerful substance in overcoming PE. Try this medication to restore a regular potency and to prolong your sexual intercourse. Improve your marital relationship with a tiny pill!

What Is Priligy 60 mg?

Initially, Priligy was invented as an antidepressant medicine. Unfortunately, its application in that role appeared to be very low. It turned out to be more effective for premature ejaculation treatment.

As urologists testify, ejaculation can be called premature if it occurs immediately during or after sexual intercourse (or during any sexual activity). It happens by minimal arousal or penis stimulation as well as other sensitive areas of a man’s body. By such intimacy, both partners consider the length of the sexual act as insufficient. Usually women are not much concerned about this problem, while men feel much more distressed about it. In fact, the common ejaculatory latency time amounts to 6 minutes.

Due to its active component dapoxetine, Priligy shows immediate positive results, because it aims at the genuine cause of the problem. It turns the lives of thousands of men into a normal stream of a regular sexual life. Patients who have tried this medication appreciate its effectiveness and enjoy the achieved results.

Priligy is used for PE treatment by adult males from 18 to 65 years old with the following sexual disorders:

  • their intravaginal ejaculatory latency time (IELT) counts less than 2 minutes;
  • they have low control over ejaculation;
  • they get ejaculation with minor sexual arousal.

Priligy 60 mg is prescribed for men in order to delay ejaculation. Dapoxetine increases the time for ejaculation and improves self-control over it. It reduces male frustration caused by a fast ejaculation and makes one’s nights incredibly hot with no concerns.
What is Priligy: work, using, effectiveness

Mechanism of Action

Male ejaculatory mechanisms are monitored by the central nervous system, which in turn is regulated by the brain. Priligy refers to a class of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). This medicine affects the amount of serotonin in the male brains and increases its level. In turn, the serotonin level rise enhances the intravaginal ejaculation latency time. Dapoxetine delays the reactions of certain chemical elements that are responsible for ejaculation.

DapoxetineIn single cases, Priligy doesn’t cope with PE completely, but its application helps to increase a male’s personal self-confidence and his sexual performance.

Acting as an antidepressant, dapoxetine significantly reduces the nervous stress initiated by PE.

Unlike other medicines that are used daily, Priligy is not accumulated in a human body. As dapoxetine is quickly processed, it decreases a chance of obtaining possible side effects. The complete Priligy mechanism of action is not well studied.

The process of ejaculation is regulated by the part of the nervous system that raises blood pressure, narrows blood vessels, and accelerates heart rate. The sympathetic nervous system stimulates the nervous fibers of the organs in the genital zone that act in the ejaculation process to ensure their synchronized muscle contraction. The unique formula distinguishes Priligy from other drugs of a SSRI family group used for the cure of mental disorders. Dapoxetine works exactly on the ejaculation mechanism and prolongs the time of the seminal fluid emission.

How Long Does Tablet Work?

As Priligy works by blocking the nerve signals from the brain sent to the male organ, it gives men the ability to last longer. Dapoxetine does not influence the erection’s quality, as it just increases the intravaginal ejaculatory latency time.

As human trials show, patients whose intimacy lasts less than one minute record a significant improvement after using a pill. By taking 30 mg of dapoxetine, their intimacy time increased to 2 minutes 50 seconds. Taking 60 mg of dapoxetine helps to prolong male sexual intercourse to 3 minutes 20 seconds.

A pill is swallowed between one and three hours before sexual activity. It is taken whole with one glass of water. How long does it take to see a result? It needs some time for the medicine to work. It takes a couple of hours till the active substance is absorbed into the blood and reaches its highest concentration. Unlike other similar drugs, Priligy doesn’t require long-term usage. Taken before intimacy, it soon achieves its maximum efficiency.

Discuss with your doctor the obtained results after the first month of the treatment or after 6 taken doses. Depending on your health status and the results you get, the treatment with Priligy can be either continued or stopped.

Taking and Dosage

Premature ejaculationPriligy tablets come in doses of 30 mg, 60 mg, and 90 mg. The minimal dosage at 30 mg is perfectly suited for beginners. It gives an opportunity to estimate the drug performance for each individual and the possible appearance of side effects.

60 mg is the optimal single dose of dapoxetine. As clinical studies state, this dosage results in the best PE treatment features with few adverse effects. It appears to be the most successful serving among users, because it is well-tolerated.

Priligy tabs with the highest concentration of a main ingredient at 90 mg are issued for a more powerful PE treatment. This portion can be applied if lower doses show a weak effect. Still, patients have to consider the risk of stronger side symptoms by such an intake. Your physician will advise your individual treatment schedule balancing between the pill efficiency and its adverse effects.

Therapists usually advise to begin the treatment with a 30 mg dose. It is enough at the first stages of PE treatment. Even in the most severe cases of PE, a daily serving cannot exceed 60 mg of an active component. Dapoxetine is not prescribed as a medication for daily usage. Take a 24-hour break before taking the next portion. If you find that a dose at 30 mg is insufficient, ask your doctor to double it. Your therapist will help you to decide what is your individual dosage.

Is It Safe to Use Priligy 60mg?

As dapoxetine interacts with certain drug groups, Priligy cannot be used if patients suffer from:

  • liver or kidney disorders;
  • hypersensitivity to dapoxetine;
  • epilepsy;
  • bleeding problems;
  • high eye pressure;
  • fainting tendency;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • heart illnesses;
  • psychological disorders or a state of severe depression.

Priligy pillsIt is better not to use alcohol during treatment with Priligy. Their simultaneous combination may intensify side effects obtained after the consumption of strong drinks, like excessive sleepiness, delayed reflexes, or slow reactions. This situation may increase the risk of a possible injury that may occur due to fainting.

The intake of dapoxetine along with light alcohol of 0.5 g will not cause any harm to your health or disrupt the pharmacokinetics of dapoxetine.

The consumption of food doesn’t influence the absorption of Priligy. It is absorbed into blood rather quickly, reaching the highest concentration in 1-2 hours. The consumption of fat and greasy meals delays its time of action.

The effect of daily intake of grapefruit juice may lead to the accumulation of dapoxetine in a user’s body and provoke its difficult excretion. Such a process may lead to an overdose and cause side effects. This fruit is not advised to be consumed during dapoxetine therapy. Talk to a medical representative regarding the usage of herbal supplements, caffeine, and nutraceuticals.

Common & Rare Side Effects

Like other effective medicines, Priligy makes some modifications to processes in a human body by its therapeutic effect. It may result in possible adverse reactions, but all men will not get them for sure. In most cases, they occur only because of an overdose.

These side effects can be more or less complicated:

Common side effects

Rare side effects

Diarrhea, stomach pain

Irregular or slow heartbeat
Feeling anxious, irritable

Feeling depressed


Abnormal taste
Flushing, sweating

Loss of sex drive

Feeling trembling

Blurred vision

High or low blood pressure

Feeling dizzy

Sudden onset of sleep
Ringing in the ears


Ask for a doctor’s advice in the case that any common side effects have appeared. Search for urgent medical help if rare side effects bother you and do not go away.

The list of adverse events is incomplete. Be careful and watch your health condition. The risks of taking the medicine should not overweigh its benefits.

Interaction with Other Medicines

Doctor’s prescriptions

On the whole, Priligy is safe for its users when it is consumed according to the doctor’s prescription. Dapoxetine is not allowed to be taken with the following tablets to avoid obtaining negative effects:

  • pills for high blood pressure (Verapamil, Diltiazem, etc.);
  • medicines for depressions (for example, Nefazodone, Venlafaxine, Fluoxetine, Amitriptyline);
  • drugs for HIV (for example, Ritonavir, Atazanavir, Nelfinavir, Saquinavir);
  • medications to ease pain (like Tramadol);
  • pills for a good sleeping (like Tryptophan);
  • tabs for infections (Linezolid, Ketoconazole, Itraconazole, etc.);
  • antibiotics (like Telithromycin).

Individuals are allowed to use Priligy two weeks after they cancel using the above mentioned drugs. If you stopped taking Priligy, observe a week’s pause before you start using these drugs. An individual schedule of treatment is highly suggested.

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Positive testimonials about Priligy results leave no doubt about the effectiveness of this medication. Order these tabs now and get a really workable drug for PE treatment. Share your own experience of dapoxetine usage.