Buy sildenafil online - the miracle cure

Buy Sildenafil Online – The Miracle Cure

Sildenafil is a drug sold under the brand name Revatio and Viagra in the US. Pfizer, the manufacturer of Viagra, held the patent rights for close to a decade for Revatio before it expired in 2012. Generic versions of Viagra are available in the market, so now you can easily buy sildenafil online to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension. Under the brand name Viagra, however, the company still holds the patent rights which will expire in 2020.

The drug is categorized under the PDE-5 inhibitors and can also be prescribed for other conditions by doctors. Sildenafil helps to enhance blood flow in the lungs which consequently lowers blood pressure thus improving the ability of a patient to exercise. Also, many people who buy sildenafil online commonly use it to treat erectile dysfunction. See below for more information.

Although this drug was approved by the FDA, you’re advised not to use it at all in the following cases:

  1. If you have an allergic reaction to the active ingredient Sildenafil citrate.
  2. If you suffer from a disease known as pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD).
  3. If you’re using other medication containing nitrates such as nitroglycerin or isosorbide.
  4. If you’re taking other medication containing sildenafil or another PDE-5 inhibitor such as Vardenafil or Tadalafil.
  5. If you take recreational drugs such as alcohol and other street drugs, don’t buy sildenafil online.

What you need to know about erectile dysfunction

Before you buy Viagra or its other cheaper alternatives, it’s important to learn about the condition known as erectile dysfunction. This way, you’ll be able to make better judgment, especially if you’re planning to buy the pills online. Numerous online pharmacies sell branded, generic and other Viagra alternatives.

See below for some surprising facts about erectile dysfunction for anyone who wants to buy Viagra online:

  1. Vascular disease is the most common cause of erectile dysfunction in men older than 50 years. Statistics reveal that 50% of cases involving men over 50 years are related to the blood vessels. Some of the diseases that cause damage to the vessels include high blood pressure, heart attack, and even radiation treatment from prostate cancer.
  2. There are other natural causes to the condition which are also common such as Peyronie’s disease, nervous system diseases, low testosterone, and side effects of other drugs. Medications that can cause the condition include antidepressants, NSAIDS (Motrin, naproxen, and ibuprofen), Antiepileptics, Neuroleptics, and some blood pressure drugs.
  3. There are other treatment options available for patients who want to buy sildenafil online. Brand names containing sildenafil such as Viagra and Levitra are quite expensive but generic versions such as Kamagra and Penegra are much cheaper. Stendra and Cialis are other popular branded medication used for treating erectile dysfunction.
  4. The main differences between these medications containing sildenafil are how quick they work and how long the effects last. Both Levitra and Viagra last for 4 hours while Cialis; on the other hand, can last up to 17 hours. Cialis is not affected by fatty foods, but Levitra and Viagra’s effectiveness is diminished when taken with fatty foods.
  5. Before you buy sildenafil online, you’ll be glad to know that exercise is a proven technique for treating erectile dysfunction. However, this only applies if your condition is related to vascular disease. Cardiovascular exercises such as aerobics, swimming, and jogging are the best.

Sildenafil, the pill that changed the world

Sildenafil is a miracle cure without a doubt. Before the advent of the blue pill, erectile dysfunction was shrouded in mystery and myth. Now you can easily treat the condition without being subjected to rigorous tests at the doctor’s office. Just buy the drugs online at subsidized prices to enjoy unforgettable sexual experiences.

Before you buy sildenafil online, it’s advisable to seek medical consultation particularly if you’re taking other prescription medication. Sildenafil also interacts with non-prescription drugs, herbal products, and dietary supplements. The combination might cause undesirable results. Inform your doctor if you have any allergies to certain types of foods, medication or substances.

Do not use sildenafil if you have a deformed penis or have suffered painful erection in the past. Deformity in a penis can occur when you suffer from certain blood cell condition such as sickle cell anemia and leukemia.

If you’re healthy, go ahead and place an order for Sildenafil online.

How to use Sildenafil citrate

When you’re using sildenafil for erectile dysfunction, you’ll be ingesting tablets or pills. The pills are meant to be taken with water 30 to 60 minutes before having sex. Under the brand and generic names, sildenafil is often available in three different potencies of 25, 50, and 100mg. Always start with the smaller doses to gauge the effectiveness before increasing the strength. Take one pill per day. See below for more information.

When used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension, sildenafil is often administered as an injection by a doctor. However, you can also be allowed to administer the dose at home after being taught how to use it. Always ensure that you use the drug at the same time every day for maximum benefits. Keep the medication and syringes out of reach of children.

After you get sildenafil online, follow the instructions on the package to avoid any severe side effects. If you skip a dose, do not take two doses to recover the missed one; just continue taking the medication as scheduled. In case of an overdose, call 911 or a poison control center in your local area.

Men warned to avoid erectile dysfunction drugs before surgery

According to experts at the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA), drugs containing sildenafil such as Cialis and Viagra should not be taken before surgery. These drugs are designed to alter the functioning of blood vessels by relaxing the smooth muscles. This can consequently lead to low blood pressure, especially when the drug is combined with other medication usually used in surgery like anesthesia.

When you buy sildenafil online, ensure that you do not take the pills the day before undergoing surgery because the drug may take more than a day to wear off (Cialis takes more than two days). Men are also advised to inform the surgeon about their use of erectile dysfunction medication. Never feel embarrassed about disclosing this information because it can come in handy when administering anesthesia. This way, you will be kept safe during and after the procedure.

Also, do share information about all other prescription drugs you may be taking or alternative medication such as Ginseng or Tongkat Ali.

Sildenafil citrate: Frequently Asked Questions

Although the benefits of buying sildenafil online are widely known, there are still plenty of unanswered questions about this active ingredient. See below for the most common questions you’ll come across.

What is Sildenafil?

Also referred to as generic Viagra, sildenafil is the active ingredient contained in erectile dysfunction drugs such as Viagra. Sildenafil is cheaper when compared to Viagra, but both have a similar effect. There are numerous manufacturers of this drug with the main one’s being Pfizer, Sun Pharmaceuticals, Zentiva, Myla, and Torrent.

What drug is Viagra?

In your search to buy cheaper sildenafil online, you must have at one point or the other wondered what type of drug the generic Viagra is. Well, Viagra belongs to a class of medication known as Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE-5) inhibitors. The drug enhances the flow of blood by inhibiting an enzyme leading to stronger erections in the presence of sexual stimulation.

When do you take Sildenafil?

Sildenafil can easily be obtained online and is suitable for anyone who is sexually active. However, you must not be suffering from certain types of medical conditions when you want to buy sildenafil online to enjoy using the drug without any severe side effects. For the best results, sildenafil should be taken 2 hours after a meal and an hour before sex. Do not take the drug on a full stomach because the effects may be delayed due to a slower absorption rate.

Do you need a prescription for Sildenafil?

The advent of the internet has seen the surge of online pharmacies that offer cheaper, legitimate drugs. And the best part is that most of these online pharmacies do not require a prescription to issue sildenafil. There is no need to waste any money or time going to the doctor’s office just to get a prescription when you can simply buy sildenafil online with the simple clicks of a mouse.

How can you buy Sildenafil online?

There are numerous online pharmacies, but an extensive research will ensure that you only order your drugs from an honest, reliable source. An online pharmacy such as is a legitimate supplier with thousands of verified reviews from satisfied clients. After you go to the site, place your order of the preferred strength and then confirm your purchase. Sit back and wait for the drugs to arrive at your doorstep within a few days.

Before you buy sildenafil online, order for a free Viagra sample first. This way, you’ll be able to gauge the dosage strength you require, effectiveness and quality of the drugs, professionalism of the online store, and any side effects that may occur.

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