Expert tips on taking Viagra for best results

Expert Tips on Taking Viagra for Best Results

Expert Tips on Taking Viagra for Best Results

We are sure that the expert tips in this article will be also beneficial for you and help you understand how to take Viagra for best results with high effectiveness and less harm for your health.

Most men are quite indifferent to their health, having neither time nor the desire to check it regularly. It is almost true in every case, unless it concerns their sexual health.

If erectile dysfunction (or ED) is detected, it sounds like a final verdict for any man, no matter how old he is. They start surfing the internet trying to find the right solution and an effective medicine to cope with the problem. Buying ED pills alone is not the proper way out. Careless drug consumption may lead to an unpredictable outcomes and result in unpleasant side effects.

Be brave and visit a doctor. He will help to discover the actual causes of your ED and advise an adequate treatment. ED pills help in almost 100% of cases, still they have to be used according to the prescription.
Expert tips on taking Viagra for best results

What Are Viagra Benefits?

If a man has been diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, it doesn’t denote that he has to say “goodbye” to his happy sexual life. This disorder is successfully treated by Viagra and its alternatives, developed to help males get and maintain a strong erection. A simple pill intake can color your sexual life again.
Sildenafil citrate, Viagra ingredient, refers to a group of chemical elements known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. PDE5 is an enzyme,which is “guilty” for a man’s inability to obtain an erection. It doesn’t allow cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) to send the correct signals to the nerve endings in the pelvic area. As a result, men have troubles in achieving and holding an erection. Sildenafil decreases PDE5 effects, so cGMP is able to send the proper signals. Besides, the flow of blood to the reproductive organ is amplified, and a natural erection takes place.

Why Do You Need to Use ED Pills Carefully?

This tiny pill has improved the lives of a large number of men suffering from erectile problems. Anyway, Viagra cannot be considered as panacea for this disease. No doubt, it is very effective and helps men to get an erection; still the hidden causes of ED (physical, mental, or both) stay untreated. That’s why it is important to consult your therapist about how to use the pills carefully without causing dangers to your health.

Erectile dysfunction can be a result of psychological or physical issues. A lot of individuals fail to obtain an erection at certain moments in their lives, so in this case there is no need to get addicted to pills. If males are not able to get an erection regularly, then they most probably have acquired ED and have to turn to medications.

Blood pressureViagra is advised for men between 18 and 75 years old. Youngsters usually get ED because of psychological reasons (stress, depression), and aged men are likely to get physical ED (due to high blood pressure, diabetes, etc).

The health care provider will prescribe an adequate ED therapy based on the examination of a patient’s health status, his disease history, and a series of analyses. If ED appears to be a temporary issue, it can be treated by a qualified psychologist (if it was caused by stress) or by a targeted treatment (if it was caused by underlying illnesses).

This drug should be carefully used by patients with kidney or liver disorders, blood problems, heart malfunction, stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, and by those who have eye problems. Viagra cannot be taken by men with any kind of allergy to sildenafil citrate or other tablet ingredients. It is compulsory to get exact recommendations of the urologist about your individual Viagra intake to avoid overdosing and possible adverse reactions.

Elect Tips to Use Viagra Successful

Certainly, Viagra helps patients to restore male power and treat impotence. It is a step forward to have a happier and brighter sexual life and harmonized relationships between partners. This essential information from qualified medical experts will be useful for all Viagra users. To get maximum efficiency and fewer adverse effects, every man has to observe some simple rules.

Be Patient

ViagraViagra should be taken 30-60 minutes before sexual intercourse. It requires some time before it is absorbed into the bloodstream and reaches its maximum concentration. The time of action depends on each individual and can vary. Plan your intimate session accordingly: a pill should be taken beforehand. The tablet stays effective in a male body for the next 5-6 hours. Don’t worry if you feel no effect and just wait. On subsequent intakes, a male body gets accustomed to the drug, so you can control its actual action time.

Abstain from Food

A Viagra tablet is swallowed whole with one glass of water. For better absorption, use it on an empty stomach. Do not consume oily and fatty meals before intake. The process of food digestion will postpone the pill action time. Have a light dinner before the planned intimacy. It will allow the drug to act faster.

Sexual Arousal

Sexual stimulation is a compulsory point to get a desired erection. A simple tablet intake is insufficient, because you have to trigger arousal and become hard enough and ready for sex. Only in the case of sexual desire to a partner, Viagra begins to work. An erection cannot appear out of nowhere, but if give it a start the pill will help you to maintain and hold the erection for a long time.

Brand or Generic Viagra (Sildenafil)?

Online pharmacyOriginally Viagra was manufactured by Pfizer. The modern pharmacological market is overburdened with less expensive generic versions of the blue pill and counts more than 75 sildenafil brands, because various manufacturers license their own trademarks.

The sildenafil molecule remains the same in every generic pill providing the same therapeutic effect, as well as the same process of absorption and metabolism. The only thing that differs in these medicines is their shape, color, and size. There is no difference in the active component, only in the appearance of a drug. The final obtained result is similar.

India has become the biggest world cluster of high-grade medications, which works with quality generics. All the ingredients are certified and undergo a strict control for the export market according to the international standards. The generic tablets are equal to labeled ones, but significantly cheaper.

In fact, sildenafil citrate is quite a cheap substance to produce. Pharmacies purchase it at wholesale prices, while average customers have to overpay and cover the costs for advertising. As a rule, online stores offer lower prices than local pharmacies.

Unfortunately, lots of internet shops sell fake medications that can turn out to be ineffective or (as the worst variant) damage your health. Because of the desire to earn easy money, manufacturers produce medicines in basements or warehouses, which are unsanitary. These illegal plants may not follow the correct recipe of the prescribed components, and expensive drug ingredients are replaced by starch or sugar. The risk of getting allergy or side effects increases.

Choose a secure online pharmacy with a reliable reputation and a profound history of testimonials like BuyEDTab. We guarantee that our customers get the best-quality generics with no harm for their health.

Select Safe Dose

TherapistViagra is usually issued in the following doses: 25, 50, 100, 150, and 200 mg. For young people and aged patients, the lowest dosage of 25 mg is enough to get an effective result with no side effects.

50 mg is the most often prescribed dose by urologists for ED treatment. This is an optimal sildenafil amount at the initial therapy stages with a low risk of getting adverse reactions. The doctor can increase the dose up to 100 mg if the recommended lower serving is not effective enough.

If men undergo a parallel treatment with other tablets that may interact with Viagra, the dosage needs to be adjusted accordingly. The therapist will advise the most appropriate dosage taking into account your age, ED severity, potential medicine interactions, and previous experience of Viagra usage (if any).

As a rule, doctors start the therapy with the lowest dose and adjust it for a patient until the required result is reached. If there are any side effects, the dosage is reduced. Taking higher doses, you are more likely to have a greater chance to obtain side effects, so don’t start with the highest available dose.

In fact, there is no direct dependency between the dosage of a tablet and the time of its activity. All doses have the same action period. The thing is that there are particular doses which are appropriate for each particular user.

Be Careful

Usually Viagra is well-tolerated by users, but sometimes patients may experience abnormal reactions. If men follow all doctor’s instructions, these pills are completely safe for them. Do not take this medicine longer or in larger doses than it was recommended.

Viagra is prescribed for men with ED concerns and should be consumed only in case of need. Do not use it more than one time a day. The risk of getting side effects increases in people older than 50 years of age.

That’s why most doctors advise starting the treatment with a small dose to avoid accumulation of active components in a male body, which leads to possible side effects.

Side effects from ViagraHuman trials show that the most common side effects are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • runny or blocked nose;
  • changes in color perception, blurred vision;
  • headaches;
  • rash;
  • dyspepsia;
  • upset stomach;
  • dry mouth;
  • dizziness, insomnia;
  • excessive sweating.

More serious side effects involve: increased intraocular pressure; decrease of blood pressure; painful long-lasting erection; sudden hearing loss; heart attack.

Besides, Viagra has contraindications with certain products and groups of medicines.

Make sure that your simultaneous treatment doesn’t include:

  • high blood pressure pills;
  • nitrates;
  • antifungal drugs;
  • HIV drugs;
  • antibiotics;
  • other ED drugs.

If these side effects don’t bother you for long, there is no need for any medical attention. A lot of these reactions are temporary and quickly disappear as your body gets used to the medicine. If these symptoms don’t go away, go to an emergency center immediately.

How to Buy Safe Viagra Sildenafil OTC?

ED medicineMost men take sildenafil without any consultation with a doctor buying it via internet shops. As we’ve mentioned, it can be potentially dangerous because of a great number of counterfeit medicines. Choose the most trustworthy and solid source, which can guarantee certified and quality products.

For many years, BuyEDTab has been a reliable online pharmacy with a stable reputation. There is no need to bargain over your health. Entrust your problems to our medical experts, moreover a great assortment of Indian ED medicines is at your disposal.

Try Cialis, Kamagra, Stendra traditionally used for an effective ED treatment and other sildenafil alternatives. Get the best cost-effective medicines in the shortest time.