Cialis: dosage, side effects and interactions

Cialis: Dosage, Side Effects and Interactions

Cialis: Dosage, Side Effects and Interactions

Let’s take a close look at Cialis dosage, side effects and interactions so that you can have some info to help you determine whether it will be right for you.

Although many people take erectile dysfunction drugs like Cialis lightly simply because adverse effects are extremely rare, it is always advisable to check whether a pharmaceutical will be safe for you to use. Understanding side effects and knowing whether they are serious or not is also important, as is knowing whether your ED drugs are safe to use with other medications.

Cialis Dosage

There are two options for Cialis: for daily use, or as needed. Because of the long-lasting effects of Cialis, daily dosages are much lower than occasional ones. If you begin to use Cialis occasionally and then transition to using it once a day, it is important to reduce your Cialis dosage accordingly.

Doctors usually begin with the lowest recommended dose, adjusting the dose upward until the desired effect is achieved, or downward if mild side effects occur. When using any drug, the higher the dose, the greater the chance of side effects, so it is wisest to follow the same protocol. Do not begin with the highest available dose.

Using Cialis: How Many Mg?

Use type Dose Indications
Occasional use 10mg Most men find 10mg a comfortable dose for occasional use. This is the average dose.
Occasional use 20mg If Cialis is ineffective at 10mg, dose can be increased up to 20mg.
Occasional use 5mg When efficacy is satisfactory, but mild side effects are experienced, a 5mg dose can be attempted.
Daily use 2.5mg Because of long duration of action, this is the common dose for daily use.
Daily use 5mg If the drug is well-tolerated but not effective enough, an increase to 5mg can be attempted.
Only under medical supervision 30mg, 40mg, 60mg, 80mg Doses up to 60mg are prescribed for pulmonary hypertension. These doses are NOT recommended for ED patients. A sudden drop in blood pressure could prove dangerous.

Whether you use Cialis tablets or liquid Cialis, the dosages above remain relevant. Pill sizes do not indicate concentration. Check your product packaging when deciding how much to take.


Although Cialis overdose is rare, some men forget how long the drug remains active in the body and take their next does before the previous one has worn off. Always follow instructions for use carefully, and do not take more than the recommended doses in 24 hours to 36 hours afterward. More is not always better. Remain within the limits that are safe to take for erectile dysfunction.

Instead of having a “better” effect, high doses can be dangerous. Symptoms of overdose include:

  • pain in the chest;
  • heart arrhythmia;
  • dizziness or vertigo;
  • fainting;
  • nausea;
  • intensification of other Cialis side effects such as muscle pain.

If you are experiencing alarming effects and believe you may have overdosed on Cialis, contact emergency services for advice. Treatment is based on the symptoms you are experiencing.
Cialis: dosage, side effects and interactions

Why Is the Cialis Dosage Different to Viagra One?

This question is easily answered. Cialis is based on a compound called Tadalafil, while Viagra is based on a related but different compound called Sildenafil citrate. Both drugs are used for erectile dysfunction, but dosages differ because of the differing ingredients.

During clinical trials, scientists determine the optimum doses for new drugs, looking at efficacy and how well the drug is tolerated (side effects). The doses with the greatest efficacy and best toleration are then selected as recommended dose.

Cialis Side Effects

Side effects are studied during drug registration processes. Common side effects should not be dangerous. A drug will only be registered when potential benefit is greater than potential harm. In extremely rare cases, serious side effects are experienced.

We will look at both side effect categories. You may be wondering whether common side effects will affect you after seeing this list. Your odds are influenced by dose. We will provide a percentage expressing a range, with the lower percentage reflecting lower doses. The figures are also compared to those recorded for a placebo.


Occasional, as needed use: side effects compared to a placebo (inert substance).

Symptom Placebo Low dose High dose
Headaches 5% 11% 15%
Indigestion, heartburn 1% 4% 10%
Back pain 3% 3% 6%
Muscle aches, leg pain 1% 1% 3%
Runny or blocked nose 1% 2% 3%
Flushing 1% 2% 3%

When used at lower doses daily, the incidence of these common side effects is still lower, possibly because of the reduced dose. Side effects are not typical of what the majority of men experience, but they are more common when choosing max doses.


Rare side effects affecting less than 2% of men:

  • swollen face or extremities;
  • dry mouth and throat;
  • upset stomach;
  • nausea and/or vomiting;
  • stomach cramps;
  • acid reflux;
  • bleeding of existing hemorrhoids;
  • neck pain;
  • dizziness, insomnia, tiredness;
  • bumps or rash;
  • spontaneous erections;
  • excessive sweating;
  • blurred vision;
  • changes in color perception;
  • puffy eyes;
  • red, inflamed eyes;
  • ringing sound in ears;
  • hearing loss (this was reported outside of clinical trials, and the direct link between Cialis and this effect has not been fully confirmed).

These may indicate an allergy, and you should consult your doctor before continuing with Cialis use.


Researchers believe that the serious side effects of Cialis are generally a result of pre-existing health conditions that were ignored or not yet diagnosed:

  • sudden, dangerous decrease in blood pressure;
  • heart attack;
  • irregular heart beat;
  • kidney damage;
  • larger than normal size erection (if painful);
  • painful erection that lasts for several hours;
  • vision loss (NAOIN triggered in those with a predisposition to the condition).

Although these side effects are rare, they underline the wisdom of seeing a doctor before undertaking the use of Cialis. A doctor who knows your medical history and risk-factors will be able to advise you as to any risk of taking Cialis.

How to Take Cialis?

Because Cialis is not as short-lived as Viagra or Levitra, timing is less important when deciding how to take it. It lasts for a full 36 hours. If you plan to take Cialis daily, dosage must be reduced as indicated in the table above. Do not take multiple doses.

If you use Cialis for every day dosing, use it once daily. If you use it occasionally, be aware that you should not use it again in the next 36 hours. It will still work thanks to the long duration of its effectiveness. Cialis is prescribed specifically for relief of erectile dysfunction, and it sometimes used as a treatment for other health conditions.

Off-Label Uses of Cialis?

Although some men report that they last longer when using Cialis, this effect is unproven. If you have problems with premature ejaculation, or are concerned that you may, use Cialis with dapoxetine or Tadapox, a combination of PE and ED drugs.

Cialis is sometimes used in bodybuilding to “improve blood circulation”, but this use falls outside the recommendations for Cialis use.

Cialis is not believed to be effective for women.

Many people use Cialis recreationally as a sexual performance booster without ED. However, any perceived improvement is generally attributed to the placebo effect. If you do not have trouble getting or maintaining an erection, you do not need Cialis. Ask yourself: “What is Cialis?” It is an ED drug and should only be used for ED unless indicated by a doctor.

Can I Take It Daily?

Cialis can be used daily but at a much-reduced dose. Please consult our dosage table above. If you have used the dose for occasional use, you should avoid Cialis for the next 36 hours, the time during which it remains active. Cialis is a medicine, and should only be used as indicated.

Cialis Warnings

If you have any existing medical conditions, it is absolutely essential to consult a doctor before attempting to use Cialis. This is particularly true if you have suffered from heart problems or have a history of cardiovascular disease in your family.

Cialis interacts with a wide range of drugs. Always inform your doctor that you use Cialis when drugs are being prescribed for you. If you already use medications, you should also see your doctor.

If you experience extreme discomfort after using Cialis, contact emergency services immediately, as you may be showing signs of dangerous side effects that should be treated without delay.
If your doctor has instructed you to avoid sex for health reasons, you should not use Cialis.

Cialis Interactions

325 drug interactions have been recorded with Cialis. This includes various brand names for the 315, embracing 1,087 trade names under which they are marketed. Of these, 11 drugs have serious interactions, 164 have moderate interactions, and 150 interact mildly with Cialis.

Do not combine Cialis with other medications without consulting a doctor. You should also be cautious with certain health supplements and herbal preparations. If you plan to use Cialis with other medications or supplements, see your doctor first.

With Food

You can use Cialis with or without food (unlike other ED meds which may be less effective when taken with food), but you will need to be careful with alcohol use. There are no foods that you need to avoid when using Cialis.

With Alcohol

Excessive drinking with Cialis can lower your blood pressure to critical levels, causing fainting, dizziness and vertigo. Limit yourself to two drinks as a maximum. The best way to use Cialis for best results is without alcohol.

With Other Drugs

Cialis should not be used with other drugs or even supplements unless you have consulted your doctor to determine whether this will be safe. The same is true of generic Cialis. It is exactly the same thing as the brand-named version, and the rules for usage are the same too. Not sure? Try our free Cialis sample pack delivered by mail!