Concept, uses and work of Cialis

Concept, Uses and Work of Cialis

Concept, Uses and Work of Cialis

What is Cialis and it’s additional uses? How does Cialis work? What’s it does? How long-lasting is it? Here you will find the answers.

Even if your doctor prescribed Cialis, it is unlikely that he went into detail on how it works, so before you succumb to Cialis urban legends, you should find out the truth about the drug.

What Is Cialis?

Cialis is an erectile dysfunction drug with a release date in 2003. That means that men who have difficulty getting or maintaining an erection can use it before sex to ensure that they won’t suffer embarrassment. Some men also report that Cialis can make you last longer, but it’s use is not intended for premature ejaculation. Instead, a drug called Dapoxetine helps with this problem.

Cialis has earned the nickname of “weekend pill” because its action is much longer-lasting than other ED drugs, specifically, Viagra and Levitra. Its active ingredient is a substance called tadalafil, and it is marketed under a variety of names other than “Cialis”.

Cialis is a pill containing a specific number of milligrams of tadalafil. That means that other drugs that contain the same dose of tadalafil are exactly the same thing, even when the generic name on the packaging is different. These versions of Cialis will work in the same way as the original drug.

What Is Cialis Used For?

As previously mentioned, Cialis is primarily used for erectile dysfunction, but it has additional uses. The group of drugs to which Tadalafil belongs, the PDE5 inhibitors, were originally being researched as a treatment for pulmonary hypertension when their ability to help men with erectile dysfunction was first discovered.

The alternative uses of this drug therefore include pulmonary hypertension, and it is used to treat men with benign forms of enlarged prostate. In addition, some men use it recreationally because they lack confidence, think it may help them to last longer, or because they believe it will improve penis size. However, Cialis should only be used with a doctor prescription for its intended use.

Lastly, off-label uses include the use of Cialis on men in bodybuilding to improve blood flow to muscles and its use on females. Neither of these applications is proven in any way.

To answer the question: “Do I need Cialis?”, remember its definition. It is a drug for ED. If you do not have ED (not being able to get or keep an erection anymore), you don’t need Cialis.

Summary of Cialis Uses

Use Result
Erectile dysfunction Effective in the majority of cases
Pulmonary hypertension Effective, but sold under a different brand name
Benign forms of enlarged prostate Effective
Recreational (sexual performance enhancement) Effect believed to be primarily psychosomatic

Concept, uses and work of Cialis

How Does This Medication Work?

Simply put, the ingredient in Cialis, Tadalafil, inhibits an enzyme called PDE5. This enzyme prevents sexual arousal effects from causing the blood vessels to open up. By inhibiting the enzyme, blood can flow more freely into the penis during arousal making an erection possible. For many men, suppressing this enzyme is all it takes to recover their sex lives after ED sets in.

Getting Started with Cialis

Many people choose Cialis because it is much easier to use than the other ED drugs. How fast does it kick in? Some men find that it starts working in only a few minutes, but in clinical trials the average time needed was 30 to 40 minutes. It’s amazing how quickly it starts to work when you consider that it also continues to do so for as much as three days after use.

Most men find that it works fine the first time, as long as they give it the time it takes to work, but some have to use it at a reduced daily dose for a little while before it begins to work. If you think Cialis is not working, do not take another dose right away. Allow its three-day half-life in the body to be finished, and then try again. Generally, Cialis will be effective first time round.

Why Men Choose Cialis

It is the long-lasting effects of Cialis that make it a popular choice. Unlike other ED drugs, you do not have to time your dose for just before sex and then wait for it to take effect. If you take it, it will keep working for up to three days, eliminating the worry that the drug might wear off before sex is initiated. But if you do take it just before sex, it starts working as fast as other medications. Use the time to get your partner and yourself in the right mood.

How long it works also means that if you decide to use Cialis daily, you must take a reduced dose. How often you take it does not reduce its effectiveness, so you can choose to take it as needed at higher doses without having to worry how fast it will wear off, or daily at lower ones if you have an active sex-life. Long term effects do not seem to include any adverse side effects. The FDA would not have passed this drug if it were unsafe.

Cialis Advantages Summarized

  • Quick action: a few minutes to an hour (average 30 to 40 minutes);
  • long lasting effect (up to 36 hours);
  • reduction in need to time dose for just before sexual activity;
  • for daily use at reduced dose, or as needed;
  • may delay ejaculation in some cases;
  • can be used with or without food;
  • no known long-term side-effects;
  • severe side effects extremely rare;
  • uncomfortable side effects rare.

Is It Safe to Buy Cialis?

Cialis is safe to buy and use as long as you are certain you are getting the right thing. As a prescription medication, you should however see a doctor to ensure Cialis is right for you, particularly if you have any existing health problems, or are taking medications that may interact with Cialis.

This includes certain health supplements, so ideally, you should not use Cialis with other substances without ensuring that it will be safe to do so.

If your doctor is happy about prescribing Cialis for you, you can’t get it Over the Counter (OTC), but many men have resorted to choosing good quality pills from India, going generic to save on the high cost of brands by choosing a pill with a generic name:

  • Tadarise;
  • Tadacip;
  • Vidalista.

These pills might not look like Cialis because a medicine’s appearance is part of its copyright, but will have the same ingredients. Being made of the same thing means it basically is the same thing. Although you can get generic Cialis without a prescription, it is not recommended. However, you can get the advantage of a free ED samples.

Playing It Safe

Although uncomfortable side effects from Cialis usage are rare, and dangerous ones are even rarer, you should begin with a low dose and monitor yourself for any adverse effects. If how it works doesn’t agree with you, ensure that Cialis use is stopped immediately and consult your doctor if you are concerned for any reason.

Cialis also has a shelf life, so check expiry dates before use, especially if used for rare occasions. Overdoses occasionally occur because men forgot that Cialis will last in your system for 36 hours. How soon can you take another dose? If you used the “as needed” dosage, you must wait out the 36 hours.

Always closely follow directions for using Cialis. Remember that despite widespread availability, Cialis remains a medicine. You may find forums on how to use Cialis that suggest larger doses, but using them is inadvisable. Get our free Cialis samples delivered straight to your door!