Buy Viagra online – the cheaper solution to enhanced libido

Buy Viagra Online – The Cheaper Solution to Enhanced Libido

The launch of Viagra in 1998 marked the beginning of an era in the pharmaceuticals industry. The patent issued to Pfizer makes the company the sole manufacturer of Viagra until 2020 in the US. The active ingredient contained in the drug is sildenafil, which is effective in treating erectile dysfunction, altitude sickness, and hypertension.

Although Viagra online is safe to use, it may present some mild side effects such as flushed skin, heartburn, and headaches. Patients who are using other prescription medication ought to seek medical consultation because the combination can lead to severe side effects.

Viagra patents across the world

The demand for generic Viagra online has skyrocketed in the recent past, a factor that has led to a keen interest in patent laws across the world. The average consumer is faced with some options in the quest to buy Viagra online as a result. See below for the current situation in the following countries:

  • United States – Pfizer has two separate patents for the active ingredient sildenafil; one for cheap Viagra and the other for Revatio, a drug for treating cardiovascular diseases. The patent for Revatio expired in 2012 which means that generic versions of the drug are available in the US. The patent for Viagra expires in 2020, so no other pharmaceutical company is allowed to manufacture a generic version in the country.
  • Canada – The politics are a bit different in Canada. In June 2010, the Federal Court declared Pfizer’s patent for Revatio invalid. Two years later, the Supreme Court invalidated Pfizer’s patent on Viagra owing the reason that the pharmaceutical company failed to provide full disclosure when applying. Teva Canada launched its generic Viagra under the name Novo-Sildenafil forcing Pfizer to reduce its price for Viagra.
  • India – The manufacture of drugs containing sildenafil and labeled as ‘generic Viagra’ is legal in India. The patent claims for Pfizer do not apply here. Several pharmaceuticals are producing the drug under different trade names such as Malegra, Kamagra, Silagra, Edegra, Penegra, and Zenegra.
  • China – Pfizer’s patent claims are not widely enforced in this country. As a result, the manufacture of erectile dysfunction medication containing the active ingredient sildenafil is widespread.

Current trends in Viagra use

Statistics reveal that young men are currently leading the surge in using Viagra, especially in the US. Men aged between 18 and 45 years comprise the top clients for Viagra, even though most of those in this age group rarely suffer from erectile dysfunction. In the last decade, the drug’s use skyrocketed by 312% among the young men who also prefer generic Viagra online to the branded version. Researchers based in St. Louis were able to release these findings.

Viagra is used more as an enhancer than a remedy. This implies that the drug’s use for recreational purposes (as a sex enhancer) has surpassed the medical purposes, particularly since 2011 to the present. However, this does not mean that men above 50 years are not filling a bulk percentage of the prescriptions. Other studies claim that Viagra can enhance satisfaction and libido levels in women, especially those about to hit menopause. Although this has not yet been established as fact, the information has led to an increase in the number of women buying Viagra online in the recent past.

Whether branded or generic Viagra online, statistics revealed that older men are still the top customers of the drug. Pfizer admits that the possibility of the drug being used as an enhancer is huge, but it doesn’t know to what extent. See below for more information.

Generic alternatives to Viagra online

Branded Viagra is quite expensive, and it’s for this reason that men seeking to treat erectile dysfunction are constantly searching for cheaper alternatives. India is a leading manufacturer of generic medication mainly because most patent laws are not applicable in the country. Here is a list of generic Viagra drugs manufactured in India and often sold through online pharmacies:


Commonly referred to as Viagra Kamagra, this drug is manufactured by Ajanta Pharma. The drug was approved by the FDA as an effective medication for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Medical research also reveals that Kamagra can be used to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension because it enhances gas exchange by normalizing the blood pressure. The drug is diamond-shaped, blue in color and is sold as a single pill or in a pack of four. The medication is administered orally with water. When you want to use this type of generic Viagra online, avoid taking alcohol and other prescription medication.


Malegra is manufactured by Sun Pharmaceuticals and is available in the form of 100mg tablets containing the active ingredient sildenafil. This drug should be taken 30 minutes before having sex, and its effects last for up to 4 hours. It should be taken without food, and the dosage is one tablet per day. Keep in mind that the drug will only work when sexual stimulation is present. Silagra has several side effects such as indigestion, flushing, dizziness, rashes, and headache. If you experience the following severe side effects after taking this generic Viagra, seek medical assistance immediately: Bloody urine, nose bleeding, persistent headache, and blurry vision.


Edegra is available on the market in various forms such as jelly, soft tab, and tablets. Millions of men, especially in the US, attest to the effectiveness of Edegra in boosting sexual prowess to provide immense pleasure. This medication is readily available without a doctor’s prescription in three potencies of 25, 50, and 100mg. It’s prudent to start with the smallest strength and increase it later on if need be. Some of the reported side effects of this generic Viagra include nasal congestion, diarrhea, chest pain, dry mouth, and body pain.


This drug is also available in three potencies like Edegra. It’s manufactured by Zydus Cadila, an Indian pharmaceutical that produces a broad variety of health products. The dosage of Penegra is one pill per day to be taken an hour before sex. To enjoy maximum benefits, avoid fatty foods, grapefruit products, and alcoholic beverages before taking Penegra. A cautionary note, Penegra may cause dizziness so avoid operating machinery or getting involved in hazardous activities. Exercise precaution by informing your doctor about any other medications you may be taking before using this generic Viagra online.


Zenegra is manufactured under strict guidelines of the WHO in India by Alkern Pharmaceuticals. The drug works just as branded Viagra because the active ingredient is the same. The recommended dosage is 50mg to be taken when needed, but only once per day. Zenegra does not cause any severe side effects but if you get an erection lasting for more than 4 hours, seek medical intervention. Always buy this generic Viagra from a reliable, trusted supplier.

See below for Interesting facts about Viagra:

  • Not many people are aware that Viagra can be used to save premature babies. Doctors and researchers are hopeful that the drug can be used to enhance blood flow in the womb to keep the baby healthy. Clinical trials are currently underway to determine if Viagra can help abnormally developing fetuses in the womb to receive sufficient oxygen and other nutrients essential for survival.
  • Viagra is among the most counterfeited medications worldwide owing to its enormous demand. Since people are always searching for ways to cut on costs, this presents an opportunity for illegal pharmaceuticals to start producing fake drugs. Generic Viagra is not counterfeit so ensure that you only get your drugs from reputable sources to avoid being sold fake medication.
  • Viagra doubles the shelf life of flowers. Researchers in Australia and Israel have discovered another awkward use of this drug. Just as it’s used by men to help them get stronger erections, the drug also helps cut flowers to stand straight for a few days. The drug is dissolved in water and then placed in the vase holding the flower.
  • Viagra is believed to enhance athletic performance. Numerous athletes have attested to this claim, but no evidence has been brought forth to support it. Those using generic Viagra in combination with anabolic steroids also say that it accelerates the delivery of steroids in the system.
  • Viagra has helped to save several endangered species such as seals, tigers, and rhinos. In areas such as China, rhino horns, seal penises, and tiger bones have been used for centuries to cure erectile dysfunction. Viagra has provided hope for survival to these animals.
  • Researchers in Virginia have discovered Viagra can be used to treat prostate cancer when the drug is used together with doxorubicin. Also, the combination is effective in treating stomach and ovarian cancers.
  • Viagra is used to treat pulmonary hypertension, a medical condition that leads to an increase in blood pressure. Under the name Revatio, sildenafil has been approved by the FDA in the US as an effective treatment for this condition for both men and women. Generic Viagra has also been proven to deliver the same results.

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