All you need to know to buy Viagra online

All You Need to Know to Buy Viagra Online

However, Teva Pharmaceuticals (USA), a subsidiary of the Teva Industries based in Israel, has purchased the rights to launch a generic version of Viagra in 2017. Not all drug manufacturers are keen to sell patent rights because the advent of generic drugs brings competition leading to a sales plunge.

Viagra’s patent expiry history

If you want to buy Viagra at a lower price, you’ll have to wait for the patent to expire in 2020. Viagra is undeniably the number one drug available on the market that can cure erectile dysfunction, a condition that prevents men from getting and maintaining erections. The patent was set to expire by 2012, but Pfizer requested an extension so that they can study some side effects caused by another drug they manufacture containing Viagra’s active ingredient—sildenafil. The drug is in its latest development stage and will be used to treat pulmonary hypertension in children.

Online shoppers who want to buy Viagra have come across plenty of speculations regarding the impact of generic Viagra in the market. Of course, several other pharmaceuticals are expected to jump into the opportunity with Teva being a notable example; the company had already received a go-ahead from FDA to market the generic Viagra. As soon as they began marketing the generic version in 2010, however, Pfizer slapped Teva with a lawsuit on the grounds of patent infringement, the legal tussle lasted for 12 days and at the end of it, Pfizer prevailed.

As a result, generic Viagra cannot be produced legally, especially in the US. Although you may have come across some online pharmacies claiming to sell the generic pill in your quest to buy Viagra, they often sell alternatives containing the proven ingredient—Sildenafil.

The current market state of erectile dysfunction medication

If the patent had expired, the market would probably be filled to the brim with numerous generic versions of Viagra. And there would have been plenty of other manufacturers apart from Teva. As a result, experts noted that there would have been a massive price reduction on branded Viagra.

Other Viagra’s main competitors, particularly LillyICOS’s Cialis and Bayer’s Levitra, would also have been forced to lower their prices to remain competitive to anyone who wants to buy Viagra. All these drugs work in a similar manner by enhancing the penis’ blood flow consequently leading to stronger erections. All these drugs are classified under PDE-5 inhibitors. The patent for Levitra is set to expire in 2018 while that of Cialis will expire in 2020.

The marketplace is being shaped by the patent’s expiry extension. Even though Pfizer has exclusive rights to manufacture and sell Viagra, they have no control over other erectile dysfunction medication such as Staxyn, Cialis, and Levitra. All these other drugs will consistently continue to share market profits with Viagra, the company holding the patent always dominates the market. However, this does not mean that other pharmaceuticals will not continue to produce similar, although not identical, drugs for those who want to buy Viagra.

How patients benefit from the patent extension of Viagra

It’s clear how Pfizer, LillyICOS, and Bayer are all benefiting from the patent extension, the financial gain of being in control of the market sprinkles down to even the suppliers. What is not clear though is how a person who wants to buy Viagra can benefit, keeping in mind that the price for Viagra has steadily been increasing since its approval in 1998.

  1. A warning note – Quality is a major concern in medication because the health of the patient is at stake. When a drug is only supplied by one manufacturer, quality is controlled by ensuring consistency in every batch. The patient, therefore, knows that what he gets is the best each time. However, this does not imply that generic drugs manufactured by reputable pharmaceuticals approved by the FDA are of lesser quality. In fact, statistics show that both original and generic versions are usually equally effective. Since the manufacturing processes for the generic versions are a bit different from the branded drugs, and some manufacturers even add extra ingredients to enhance effectiveness, the effects to the patient may vary.
  2. Counterfeit drugs – When you want to buy Viagra, always ensure that you order from a reputable supplier to avoid being sold fake drugs. Keep in mind that generic is not counterfeit. Some patients experience side effects when using legally manufactured Viagra, but the scenario is far much worse with fake drugs. Counterfeit medication is illegally produced by companies who leave countless patients compromised health wise and financially. Although the counterfeit problem faces the entire pharmaceutical industry, manufacturers often have strategies in place to combat it. For instance, Pfizer packages its Viagra with printed color-shift ink, a bar code, an electronic ‘fingerprint’ tag, and an RFID chip. They can track all bottles sold.
  3. Actual cost weight – Brand names come with a higher cost than generics, this is not only true for those who want to buy Viagra, but also for consumers of food products, over-the-counter medication, and personal care products. In most cases, the generic products are acceptable since they are of the similar texture or fragrance; however, it’s a different case for prescription drugs because the patient’s health is at risk. Again, this does not imply that all generic drugs are harmful. Some insurance plans need to substitute a drug for the generic version to keep costs low. This might not always benefit the patient. Branded Viagra is costlier because expensive and lengthy research takes place during the development stage for the consumer’s protection.

Cheap alternatives for Viagra

The main alternatives for people who want to buy Viagra are Levitra and Cialis. However, there are numerous cheaper options that anyone who is suffering from erectile dysfunction can try out. These mainly include the following active ingredients and herbs, see below:

  • L-arginine – It’s a predecessor of nitric oxide and a proven ingredient in combating stress or trauma. Studies reveal that L-arginine, whether acting alone or in a combination of another nutraceutical, can improve blood flow consequently reversing erectile dysfunction. Also, you’ll get to enjoy enhanced cardiovascular function.
  • Pycnogenol – This is an amazing substance that has numerous health benefits apart from enhancing sexual prowess. More than 80 clinical studies have indicated the effectiveness of Pycnogenol in helping men affected with impotence.
  • Panax Ginseng – When you want to buy Viagra’s cheap alternatives, consider this ancient herb from Asia. For several millennia now, Ginseng has been used to treat numerous conditions including detoxifying the body. Clinical trials have also ascertained its effectiveness in treating erectile dysfunction.
  • Maca – Located in South America, Maca is a plant used both as medicine and food. It has been used as a libido enhancer by men and women for centuries. In 2009, clinical tests proved that the herb is a suitable alternative for Viagra.
  • Tongkat Ali – This traditional herb has a variety of uses and acts as an aphrodisiac, antimicrobial, antimalarial, and antidiabetic. Two separate preclinical trials conducted in the US confirmed that Tongkat Ali improves sexual performance.
  • Saffron – Anyone who wants to buy Viagra is advised to get familiar with this sacred spice. Saffron is used both as medicine and a culinary ingredient. When administered in daily doses of 200 mg, the herb can effectively treat erectile dysfunction in a matter of only a few days.
  • Yohimbe – When combined with L-arginine, Yohimbe acts as an active ingredient for treating impotence. A study concluded in 2002 revealed that oral administration of the combination was sufficient to combat the condition in a matter of few weeks. Seek medical advice if you’re taking other prescription medication before you use Yohimbe to prevent possible interactions.
  • Green tea – This is by far the only alternative for anyone who wants to buy Viagra to address the problem of impotence from its origin. A study conducted on male rats in 2008 indicated that green tea improves erectile dysfunction and overall cardiovascular health as well.

Living with a positive attitude solves most of life’s problems. Cultivate a sense of humor to improve your sexuality because the act is supposed to be fun. Before you head out to buy Viagra to enhance your sexual prowess, avoid statin drugs and anti-depressants, which are known to reduce the libido and testosterone levels. Before generic Viagra with fastest shipping becomes available, you can try these alternatives to remain on top of your game while still saving a lot of money.

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